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Submit your deck to The Amy Prize

Are you a Notre Dame student, alum, staffer, or professor who is living Father Sorin’s mission to be a force for Good with a tech startup or nonprofit that materially moves the needle for the three customers of Catholic Social Teaching: the vulnerable family, the planet, or the Catholic Church?

If so submit your deck here and get in the running to win The Amy Prize.

The annual Amy Prize winner earns:
- a grant or investment into your startup
- coaching from top ND alum VCs and founders
- amplification of your startup to the sphere of influence of the 100+ donors to the fund

If you’d like to contribute to the The Amy Prize and optionally be a mentor or judge, please sign up here:


Thanks and Go Irish,
Matt Guarino
Phil Calandra
Tim Connors

  1. addSelect file (PDF only)